Sometimes filing a trademark application is not advisable. Please read below when you should not file in Canada.

  1. If you are trying to get into Amazon Brand Registry, Canada is not the best choice since trademark registration takes up to 26 months in Canada.
  2. If there is a similar trademark already or you are aware of a competitor who is selling under a similar name. In this case, consider making some changes to your trademark or re-brand completely.
  3. Please do not submit your trademark application without an adequate trademark search.
  4. If your trademark is generic, descriptive, or immoral, it should not be filed as your trademark will not be registrable.
  5. If you are a very small business, filing a trademark application may be unnecessary.
  6. Finally, if your main market is in the US, for example, filing in Canada will not protect you in the US as trademarks are jurisdictional.

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