Save Time & Money Doing A Search Before Registering Your Trademark
Trademark Search – A preliminary opinion about the registrability of your trademark
Free consultation with a trademark professional
A clear idea of whether you should move forward with your trademark
Your trademark is your brand's crown—protect it today, don't let it fall down.
Trademark search is one of the most important and overlooked aspects of trademark registration process. The purpose of a search is to check if the brand you selected is available for use and registration. We offer basic, i.e. identical marks or very similar marks search for free. A comprehensive search is included with the purchase of any of our packages. Basic search takes about 10 minutes by a qualified professional and a comprehensive search takes about 1-2 hours to complete. Please that basic is more detailed than simply a direct hit search you can do yourself in any Trademark Office database.
We have paid subscription to professional trademark search software. It’s called “Corsearch”. We offer comprehensive trademark research with the purchase of any of our packages.
***Please try to be as specific as possible when listing your products. We need to know the actual products in order to do a proper research and determine your trademark reliability.
Although a trademark search is handy and necessary to determine if a mark is registrable, the risk and challenge are never eliminated. A comprehensive examination may uncover exclusively some potentially conflicting defects for several reasons.
In the United States or Canada, a newcomer to the search process might expect that it would suffice to check only the records of the USPTO or CIPO. However, one must rely on more than just a Trademark Office database search since registration is unnecessary to obtain trademark rights in the United States or Canada.
Many valid trademarks exist in common law without appearing on the trademark register.
Thus, in addition to checking the Trademark Office database, one should check the Internet and different marketplaces, including Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Shopify, and company databases, looking for the use of unregistered marks.
Searching common-law marks is not easy and is never cheap since no single source lists every unregistered mark in current use in the United States or Canada. Many potential sources of information could be searched for, and it is not economical to try to explore them all. By way of example, a complete search in the U.S. will cost you $1500.
Additionally, one can only expect some sources to provide accurate, complete, and up-to-date information when the search is conducted because every database has its limits.
Thousands have protected their brand by filling a trademark. What are you waiting for?