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Watch Out – Canada’s Official Marks OR, Make Sure Canada’s Official Marks Will Not Block Your Trademark

By |April 11th, 2020|Categories: Trademark|Tags: , |

If you are a Canadian or registering your trademark in [...]

Check our blog posts:

  1. The Race to Trademark: What Happens If Someone Beats You by a Day?
  2. The Importance of Trademark Registration for Amazon Brand Registry, Franchising, and Access to Programs
  3. Amazon The Secret to Your Fashion Brand's Success!
  4. LLC vs Trademark Understanding the Differences and Why You Need Both
  5. Why Trademark Protection is Vital for Cosmetic Brands
  6. Protecting Your Beauty Business: The Importance of Trademarking
  7. Trademarking an artist or musician name
  8. Fast & Easy Route to Amazon Transparency Program
  9. CRYPTO and NFTs under the Lens of Trademark and Copyright Law
  10. Product Designs: Trademarkable or Copyrightable
  11. Specimen of use in the Trademark World
  12. Copyright Protection for Amazon sellers
  13. Should I file a trademark now or should I wait?
  14. Can’t wait for your trademark registration? Here’s how you can expedite the registration process.
  15. Trademark Assignment: Practical guide to Buying or Selling a Trademark
  16. Copyright Registration and Protection
  17. Specimens of Use for Clothing (Classes 25 and 35)
  18. Dividing a trademark - what does it mean and when should you consider it?
  19. Benefits of Trademark Registration - Why should I register my trademark?
  20. A+ Content in Amazon Brand Registry – Learn How to use it effectively
  21. All You Need to Know About Co-Branding Partnerships
  22. Five Interesting Ways You Can Make Money with Trademarks
  23. Why is “Merely Informational Matter” Refused Trademark Registration?
  24. The Truth About Second Hand Trademarks
  25. Common Ways Amazon Seller Accounts and Product Listings Get Suspended and How to Avoid Them
  26. If your US trademark is suspended, what does it mean?
  27. What are different types of names? Company name vs business name vs domain name vs trademark?
  28. What are Trademark Assignments? How can I transfer my trademark to somebody else?
  29. How to Handle a Trademark Cease and Desist Letter?
  30. Watch Out - Canada’s Official Marks OR, Make Sure Canada’s Official Marks Will Not Block Your Trademark
  31. Should I Close My Business Because of Coronavirus?
  32. Should I Sell or License My Trademark?
  33. Guide to trademarks in really plain English. Read it - if everything else fails.
  34. Helpful Guide To Register Your Trademark in MEXICO
  35. New Guidelines for Trademarking CBD Products in the US
  36. How to Oppose Somebody Else's Trademark
  37. What to Do if Your Trademark has Been Opposed
  38. What is a Trademark Opposition?
  39. Overview of the New Trademark Law in Canada
  40. Trademarks: Is The Standard of Distinctiveness The Same All Over The World?
  41. What is a distinctive trademark? Trademark distinctiveness and why it matters
  42. Why Should I Register My Copyright?
  43. Differences Between Trademark and Copyright
  44. Cracking down trademark squatters under amended trademark law in China
  45. Why is a Trademark Watch Important?
  46. Trademarks: First-to-use and First-to-file Countries
  47. TIPS To Remove Hijackers On Your Amazon Listing
  48. What is the USPTO Post Registration Proof of Use Audit Program?
  49. Using your trademark correctly as filed – How to avoid office action refusal from the USPTO
  50. Trade Secrets, Confidential Information, and Know-how: What Are The Differences?
  51. Outline of US Trademark Registration Process
  52. What is Section 8 trademark declaration of use? When do I file Section 8 affidavit of use?
  53. What should a foreign business know about filing a trademark in China?
  54. Why you should file your trademark in China now
  55. Trademark registration in China - Register trademark China
  56. What should tech startups do to legally protect their business?
  57. Launch before you file or file before you launch?
  58. Trademark registration in Australia: how to register a trademark in Australia?
  59. What are confusingly similar trademarks?
  60. Brexit update: implications for EU trademark owners
  61. Can you trademark a color alone? Can you copyright a color?
  62. What is a Statement of Use in a trademark application?
  63. Avoiding IP Infringement with Chinese Sourcing
  64. What is a disclaimer in U.S. trademark applications?
  65. Amazon Trademark - Trademark for Amazon Brand Registry
  66. Choosing and Comparing Business Structures
  67. 11 Trademark Tips: how should I list products and services in my trademark application?
  68. Register trademark name
  69. Taking Advantage of the Trademark Classification & the Trademark Class Systems
  70. Can I buy someone else’s trademark?
  71. Preserving High‑Yield Cannabis Strains in Canada is an Evolving Concern and Priority
  72. Trademarking marijuana and its products in the US and Canada
  73. IP Portfolio in M&A Transactions
  74. Understanding the latest changes to Canadian Trademark Law
  75. What I have learned from being a business owner for 6 months
  76. Steps To Follow When Starting Your Online Business
  77. When should I not file a trademark?
  78. Why conduct a trademark search?
  79. When should I claim color for my trademark logo?
  80. What Every Business Should Know about Trademarks Registration?
  81. Principal or Supplemental Register for your trademark?
  82. Should I file my different trademarks separately?
  83. Differences between Canadian and US trademarks
  84. Are you an Amazon seller? It’s time to register your trademark!
  85. What is a trademark?


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