Do you do free copyright search?

Yes, absolutely! As part of our packages, we conduct due diligence or copyrightability test using applicable legal standards to determine legal risks which we can use to assess registrability and package recommendation. Please contact us for more information.

By |2021-06-27T16:27:03+00:00June 27th, 2021||0 Comments

How will registering copyright help Amazon sellers?

Amazon has its own policies when it comes to copyrights. As a seller you may be able to file a complaint against another seller who infringes upon your copyright material or work. In addition, having a copyright registration establishes legal presumption of ownership and validity. Furthermore, you can stop Amazon sellers from successfully completing a [...]

By |2021-06-27T16:26:44+00:00June 27th, 2021||0 Comments

Why bother registering your copyright?

Original product images that sellers upload in Amazon are copyright materials. Copyrights confer automatic protection at the moment these materials are created. But enforcing copyrights is a different animal – an aspect which most, if not all, sellers do not pay attention to. As a result, hijackers conveniently copy these materials to pass off as [...]

By |2021-06-04T10:25:38+00:00March 14th, 2021||0 Comments

What to do if my Amazon photographs have been copied by another seller?

Report offending images via drop down menu “copyright” and choose images. If you own copyright and a trademark, Amazon will remove offending images and issue a listing violation warning once you provide evidence of IP ownership. You can also send the other seller an invoice for unauthorized use of your image (don’t count on the [...]

By |2020-11-20T15:25:56+00:00November 11th, 2019||0 Comments


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