1. If you need protection in the UK, please do not file your trademark in the EU since the UK is no longer part of the EU.
  2. We have already repeated this a few times, but we will repeat: if a proper trademark search has not been done, please don’t file your trademark in the EU.
  3. If your trademark is generic or descriptive, it will be unregistrable in the EU. There is no supplemental register in the EU, unlike the US.
  4. If you are aware that there is a similar trademark for related products, please consider changing your trademark name. Since the rate of opposition is higher in the EU than in the UK or Germany, for example, the careful search must be done to ensure the risk of opposition is at its minimum.
  5. If you don’t have the budget for the EU trademark. Since government filing fees are rather high, please budget accordingly. Don’t file a trademark in the EU if you can’t afford government fees (850 euros for the 1st class; 50 euros for the 2nd class and 150 euros for each additional class).

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