Please describe trademark registration process in Japan.
Trademark registration process in Japan is as follows:
A trademark is filed and serial number is assigned.
Trademark is accepted if minimum requirements are met (formalities). Trademark is published for opposition purposes the 1st time. Opposition period is 2 months.
Substantive examination is undertaken. Examination results become available 8 months after the filing. If an objection is issued, a response may be filed within 3 months of having received the refusal.
If mark successfully undergoes substantive examination, trademark will be allowed. Applicant has to pay registration fees (official grant fees) withing 30 days of allowance and trademark will register.
After registration, it will be published for opposition purposes for the 2nd time in trademark gazette. If there are no oppositions within a 2-month period, trademark will remain valid. If there is an opposition, then registrant must defend the trademark by submitting arguments.