Everyone knows the word but not everyone really knows what it means.  A trademark is a word, symbol, logo, tagline or any combination used in association with products or services.

A trademark may even be a particular smell, texture, sound or color!

A trademark distinguishes the products or services of one person or company from those of others in the marketplace.

A trademark prevents another person or company from offering a confusingly similar product or service. So a trademark protects your brand.

It also represents the reputation of the provider of such products and services.

It’s important to note that having a logo doesn’t give you an absolute monopoly over a word(s) or tagline. Instead, it gives you a monopoly over a mental link between that word(s) and the products you sell or services you offer.

Trademarks are a shortcut to get consumers to where they want to go.

You can also think about a trademark as a lighthouse acting as a guide to consumers of a product or service.

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